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Why Great School Website Design Matters

Your website is the first point of entry for many families into your district. What kind of first impression do you want to make? Earlier this year, Finalsite CEO Jon Moser shared the benefits of great school website design. See why investing in a quality website this year may be the right choice for your district. 

Great website design:  

Creates the opportunity for an emotional connection

A quality design for your site enables you to build trust and confidence with users. If navigation is intuitive and well-designed, users more easily receive and process the information you provide — and they are more likely to take action. Allow current and prospective families to easily see highlights from inside your virtual and in-person classrooms or discover an exciting opportunity for their child. Alumni who return to the site can reconnect to childhood memories, without feeling like they have lost touch. 

Increases engagement 

The switch to more virtual environments increases the importance of engagement. Your current and prospective families still want to feel connected to the school and staff. A standout website unlocks the opportunity to get creative with your virtual engagement. You can make your website more interactive by live-streaming your activities, creating a graduation page and much more. 

Meets accessibility standards for all devices and users

Forty to 60 percent of users access your site through a mobile device, and that number is only climbing. A good website design allows users to easily find information from any devices. A mobile-first design doesn’t damage a desktop user’s experience, but a desktop-first design does harm a mobile user’s experience. 

Accessibility goes beyond device variations. Good web design takes into account accessibility standards in accordance with the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). Using correct header styles, including alt text with images and other best practices will improve the website experience for all of your users. 

Your website is the entry point to your district. Prioritizing great website design that is visually engaging and accessible will help families feel good about connecting with your school. Check out our 5-point website inspection, and see if your school website represents your district well. If not, give us a call! We can help give your district the website it deserves. 

Published on: April 7, 2021
