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Watered-Down Truths

In September I sent our college-bound son off to Iowa State University with cases of water, as the drinking water at the college was tainted from the flooding that had occurred.  We quickly realized that the impact of not having access to clean water was not just an inconvenience but also a potential health hazard. Now, let’s put this into perspective… “Every week, nearly 38,000 children under the age of 5 die from unsafe drinking water and unhygienic living conditions!” Can you imagine being the parent who has to nurse your child while dying from disease or dehydration because the water in front of you isn’t safe?!

I think I’ll take up the issue with some of the groups that I’m involved with – Rotary and others.  If Rotary helped stop polio, why can’t we internationally do more to clean up the water?! Let’s see if we can truly make a difference for children around the world!  There is an initiative in Rotary – and I think I need to find out more.  I also found this site to be informative as well:

Anyone else want to help with a solution?  Share your ideas! One drip, drip, drip at a time and soon we can fill up the cup for another child to live today.

Written by Cindy Leines

Published on: October 18, 2010
