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The Saint Louis Art Fair Puzzles the Metro Area

In celebration of their 20th Anniversary, the Saint Louis Art Fair is asking St Louisans to take part in a puzzle treasure hunt! They have hidden 484 3”x3” puzzle pieces across the metro area and surrounding suburbs. Residents who find a piece can go to the Cultural Festivals Facebook page and record the number on the back of their puzzle piece to help fill in the picture.

Participants are asked to share their Art Fair story when they submit their puzzle piece, as a way of show that everyone is a piece of the Saint Louis Art Fair puzzle. Participants will also be entered in a drawing to win a framed 2013 Commemorative Print, a $100 value.

The Saint Louis Art Fair runs September 6-8 in the heart of downtown Clayton, MO and CEL is proud to work with such a talented and dynamic team!

Published on: August 19, 2013
