Reputation Management is More Important Than Ever

A client heads to the internet to vent about a negative experience with your company. Word always spreads quickly from customer to customer, but in today’s world, word of mouth can’t hold a candle to words in a social media post.
So, what can you do to manage and protect your online reputation in a viral world?
Here are 4 Tips for Your Protection:
1. Build a strong online brand reputation with consistent messaging, thought leadership and sharing of useful information via your website, blogs and social media. This proactive strategy will help ease the blow when something negative comes along.
2. Monitor your online presence for activity, reach and reaction. Respond when appropriate with facts on policies and practices, commitment to customer care and a positive outlook.
3. Don’t add to negative reviews by overreacting because being defensive can serve to make a claim more credible and fuel a flame that spreads like wildfire and makes matters worse.
4. Encourage positive online feedback from followers and clients by inviting them to share their positive experience with their online community. Do it consistently; not just when an online crisis hits.
At the core of online brand management is a good Marketing/PR strategy and a clear social media policy for the protection of your business and your employees.
Published on: June 12, 2017