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Business Owners; Give Your Clients Full Access

Throughout the recession, businesses of all sizes have been forced to increase their efforts to provide quality customer service to their clients.  A strong and successful business may be passionate, hard-working and humble, but one key to keeping clients satisfied is accessibility.

Clients want to know they will be addressed immediately or within a few hours if their contact within the company is not currently available. As posted by Star Tribune writer Harvey MacKay, try using “‘accessible’ instead of ‘available,’ because accessibility includes availability, plus user-friendliness, convenience and more. When you have questions, you want to talk to someone who has answers. If your salesperson doesn’t, he or she must be able to find someone who does.”

When keeping accessibility in mind, you may have to get back to a client immediately, even if it’s just to let that person know that his or her message was received and a staff member is working on the request.  In order to depend on receiving business from your customers, they must be able to depend on you.

Published on: July 24, 2011
