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Employee Communications During COVID-19 Pandemic

Leaders are facing unprecedented change during this pandemic, and employee communication for COVID-19 is essential. With employees being as equally stressed and unsure of what is next, how can you best maintain team and individual’s health and well-being in the face of uncertainty? What do you communicate during crisis of the unknowns and how can you do it well?

If you are a key leader of a small or midsize business, non-profit organization or public entity, we invite you to join the presentation and conversation on Thursday, March 26, 2020, at 1:00 PM.

Focus on Your People: Employee Comms in a Pandemic
Time: Mar 26, 2020, 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Register today! 

Our second webinar in this series will focus on how best to communicate and support remote employees and their families. There are things that leaders can do to help maintain comradery, de-escalate fears, and be authentic.

You will receive 7 best practice tips for communications, 3 culture-sensitive considerations, and a list of resources for your employees and their families.

During this coronavirus “COVID-19” pandemic, we are all learning from each other with the unprecedented combination of communication and technology for an intergenerational workforce. No one has the one size fits all solution, as the best support and intervention is based in part on your organization’s culture, your leadership style and the legalities of your industry.

With more than 30 years in communications, managing internal and external crisis situations, we share our experience and best practice tips and guidelines. While we pride ourselves on being proactive and having detoured crisis situations from damaging individuals and organizations, employee communication for COVID-19 will have impacts beyond traditional expectations. We believe that together, we will get through this crisis. Our goal is that no leader or individual should be alone on this uncharted journey.

For more information contact or call 763-559-6058.

Note: Coronavirus is being highly publicized and there are many cases where people may be searching for information using misspellings or alternative words. We are providing this list of alternative but in many cases inaccurate spellings to help during searching for resources and information. Coronovirus, covid, covid 19, covid-19, covid disease, corona illness, corono illness, 2019-nCoV.

Published on: March 23, 2020
