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How to Maximize Your Website Marketing

The saying, “if you build it, they will come” does not hold true for websites. When it comes to your online presence, the key is to change it up, keep it current, visually interesting, and relevant, so visitors keep coming back.

Here are 4 tips that will help put you at the top of the search engines:

Mobile is starting to takeover, so make sure you’re optimized for it

Every website needs to be optimized for mobile or “responsive design,” which will allow people to interact with your business on the go. You may consider developing apps, but first design a website that is responsive and user-friendly.

Image heavy sites will gain more traction

With image-focused social media sites becoming more popular, the trend is spilling over into website design. Consider imagery instead of text when getting your message across on your site.

Typography takeover

With Google Web Fonts endless supply of free “web-safe” fonts, designers are experimenting with various fonts to make your website come alive. But be warned, make sure the design doesn’t go rouge and drastically move away from your brand guidelines.

Full background images and video

2013 brought a new trend to the scene, full background images on websites. As an artistic approach, the background video is making its way into mainstream for website design. Often they are very muted videos that are dark in contrast and not so distracting that they will give you a headache being on the site.

Make sure your website stays current and relevant, watch your website analytics, and monitor the traffic so you know what is attracting attention. Once you know, you can do more of it, while making sure to update it frequently.

Published on: April 15, 2014