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YouTube video “World wide rave (2008)” makes a lasting impact

Social media has grown with such rapid force that businesses are being left in the dust.  CEO’s and HR professionals are pulling out their hair worrying over what may be said or how their employees are using this new online atmosphere.  Why are we so afraid?  What is it that truly makes the Internet, social sites and viral marketing so scary?

The unknown.  That tight feeling inside of your chest and the pit in your stomach when you are unsure of a situation and can’t quite grasp it, but you know that you should tackle it. End of last week we participated in a webinar called “Creating an Effective Social Media Strategy Using the New Rules of Marketing PR.”

It was probably one of the most informative webinars that I have attended.  The speaker was David Meerman Scott, a marketing strategist, entrepreneur, marketing speaker, seminar leader and author of numerous books and online material.  David Meerman Scott, @dmscott as he goes by online, just released another book entitled, World Wide Rave.

Check out his video to really understand where he is coming from and what this social media is all about.

Published on: October 5, 2009
